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Coleção Wileman Brazilian Review
1898 - 1940
Efeitos expansionistas das compras esterilizadas de câmbio
Publicado em: 09/11/2011
No dia 31 de outubro, o prof. Márcio Garcia apresentou artigo sobre os efeitos expansionistas das compras esterilizadas de câmbio, em seminário no Banco Mundial, em Washington, D.C., EUA.
O vídeo de 91 minutos contém todo o seminário.
Another Sudden Stop? Current Macro Policy Challenges in Emerging Markets
Sponsor: Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network
With global stability risks once more on the rise, emerging markets could face another external shock, with sharply lower global growth and a sudden stop in capital flows. But do countries have the policy room left to handle another shock so soon after the 2008-09 crisis? Or could things be different, given the lessons learned and hefty self-insurance undertaken by many emerging markets? Will policymakers be able to target emerging pressure points such as real estate bubbles and balance sheet mismatches? These are the hot topics that Professors Joshua Aizenman and Márcio Garcia will debate at this PREM Seminar.
Joshua Aizenman
Professor, University of California at Santa Cruz
Márcio Garcia
Associate Professor at the Department of Economics - PUC-Rio
Otaviano Canuto
Vice President and Head of Network, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network, World Bank
Augusto de la Torre
Chief Economist, Latin America and Caribbean Region, World Bank