Gustavo Gonzaga
![Foto - Gustavo Gonzaga](/uploads/imgs/usuarios/b7099c33d63ade0b83863146dc22147f4a967e40.jpg)
Ph.D, University of California, Berkeley, EUA, 1993
Labor Economics
Gustavo Gonzaga has a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California at Berkeley, USA, and master and bachelor degrees in Economics from PUC-Rio. He is a Full Professor at the Department of Economics at PUC-Rio, where he has been since 1993. Since 2021, he is the vice-chair of the Department of Economics at PUC-Rio. He also served as head of the Department (1997-1999), postgraduate chair (2003 -2008 and 2012-2020) and undergraduate chair (1993-1995). His main line of research is in Labor Economics, focused on analyzing the impacts of labor market institutions in Brazil on employment, turnover and inequality. In particular, he studies how Brazilian labor legislation generates perverse incentives that helps to explain the high rate of job turnover, contributing to the low labor productivity in the country. His recent research addresses the unemployment insurance system and firing costs, among other subjects. His current research agenda with Brazilian data also includes: i) gender wage differentials; ii) the Minha Casa, Minha Vida program; iii) the mobile broadband expansion; and iv) the effects of the minimum wage. His works are on the frontier of Labor Economics with Economic Development, Public Finance and International Economics, and have been published in prestigious international journals, such as the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Quantitative Economics, Labor Economics, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Economía: Journal of the Latin American and Economic Association and in the main economic journals in Brazil. He is responsible for creating, updating and expanding the lab Datazoom, a popular tool for accessing microdata from IBGE household surveys (Censuses, PNAD, PNAD-Continuous, PME and POF) launched in 2014, and Datazoom Amazônia, launched in 2021