Working Paper Series

Browse the categories to access the content of academic, scientific and opinion publications of the professors and students of the Department of Economics PUC-Rio.

The Welfare Cost of Homicides in Brazil: Accounting for Heterogeneity in the Willingness to Pay for Mortality Reductions

N 600, 01/06/2012

This paper estimates the health dimension of the welfare cost of homicides in Brazil

incorporating age, gender, educational, and regional heterogeneities. We use the marginal

willingness to pay approach from the “value of life” literature to assign monetary values to the

welfare cost of increased mortality due to violence. The results indicate that the present

discounted value of the welfare cost of homicides in Brazil corresponds to roughly 78% of the

GDP or, measured in terms of yearly flow, 2.3%. The analysis also indicates that reliance on

aggregate data to perform such calculations, without taking into account the relevant dimensions

of heterogeneity, can lead to biases of the order of 20% in the estimated social cost of violence.

Daniel Ricardo de Castro Cerqueira, Rodrigo Reis Soares.

Spillovers from Conditional Cash Transfer Programs: Bolsa Família and Crime in Urban Brazil

N 599, 01/02/2012

This paper investigates the impact of Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programs on crime. Making use of a unique dataset combining detailed school characteristics with time and geo-referenced crime information from the city of São Paulo, Brazil, we estimate the contemporaneous effect of the Bolsa Família program on crime. We address the endogeneity of CCT coverage by exploiting the 2008 expansion of the program to  adolescents aged 16 and 17. We construct an instrument that combines the timing of expansion and the initial demographic composition of schools to identify plausibly exogenous variations in the number of children covered by Bolsa Família. We find a robust and significant negative impact of Bolsa Família coverage on crime. The evidence suggests that the main effect works through increased household income or changed peer group, rather than from incapacitation from time spent in school.

Laura Chioda, João Manoel Pinho de Mello, Rodrigo Reis Soares.

Targeting the Poor: A Macroeconomic Analysis of Cash Transfer Programs

N 598, 13/12/2011

This paper introduces cash transfers targeting the poor in an incomplete markets model with heterogeneous agents facing idiosyncratic risk. These transfers change the degree of insurance in the economy and affect precautionary motives asymmetrically, leading the poorest households to decrease savings proportionally more than their richer counterparts. In a model economy calibrated to Brazil, once the cash transfer program is adopted, wealth inequality and social welfare increase, poverty decreases, while employment and income inequality remain about the same. Imperfect access to financial markets is important for these  results, whereas whether the program is funded with lump sum or distortive taxes is not.

Eduardo Zilberman, Tiago Couto Berriel.

A “blank cheque”? Portuguese World War II sterling balances, 1940-1973

N 596, 01/10/2011

Marcelo de Paiva Abreu.

Bye, Bye Financial Repression, Hello Financial Deepening: The Anatomy of a Financial Boom

N 594, 01/10/2011

João Manoel Pinho de Mello, Márcio Garcia.

"Palatable Foreign Control": British money doctors and central banking in South America, 1924-1935

N 597, 01/10/2011

This article is on the activities of British money doctors in South America between the 1890s and the 1930s, hitherto overlooked in the literature. It focuses on Sir Otto Niemeyer’s missions to Brazil and Argentina in the early 1930s compared to his earlier report on New Zealand and Professor Edwin Kemmerer’s report on Chile in the mid-1920s. The impact of their visits on the market evaluation of risk related to bonds floated by the largest South American economies is quantitatively analyzed. Difficulties involved in generalizations about links between policy proposals and market evaluation enhance the interest of studying specific experiences.

Niemeyer’s general proposals to the Brazilian government in mid-1931 advising on a possible return to the gold standard are evaluated. His specific proposals on central banking in New Zealand, Argentina and Brazil are discussed in contrast with Kemmerer’s proposals in Chile. The focus is on the autonomy of central banks, representation of sectoral interests, the role of gold in total foreign exchange reserves, and the exertion of foreign influence though directors, shareholders and permanent experts. Finally, the realism of proposals is evaluated in the context of contemporary economic conditions compared with advice provided by other experts on related issues

Pedro Carvalho Loureiro de Souza, Marcelo de Paiva Abreu.

Do public banks compete with private banks? evidence from concentrated local markets in Brazil

N 551, 01/08/2011

A ser publicado em Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2012.

Christiano Arrigoni Coelho, João Manoel Pinho de Mello, Leonardo Rezende.

The use of violence in illegal markets: evidence from mahogany trade in the Brazilian Amazon

N 592, 01/08/2011

Ariaster B. Chimeli, Rodrigo Reis Soares.

Access to justice and entrepreneurship: evidence from Brazil’s Special Civil Tribunals

N 591, 01/08/2011

Guilherme Finkelfarb Lichand, Rodrigo Reis Soares.

Audits or Distortions: The Optimal Scheme to Enforce Self-Employment Income Taxes

N 590, 01/07/2011

Eduardo Zilberman.

Can Sterilized FX Purchases under Inflation Targeting be Expansionary?

N 589, 01/04/2011

Márcio Garcia.

A Economia da República Velha, 1889-1930

N 588, 01/01/2011

Luiz Aranha Corrêa do Lago, Gustavo Henrique de Barroso Franco.

A deterioração do regime fiscal no segundo mandato de Lula e seus desdobramentos

N 587, 01/12/2010

Rogério Werneck.

Assessing the crack hypothesis using data from a crime wave: the case of São Paulo

N 586, 01/12/2010

João Manoel Pinho de Mello.

A economia brasileira 1930-1964

N 585, 01/11/2010

Marcelo de Paiva Abreu.

A economia brasileira no Império, 1822-1889

N 584, 01/11/2010

Marcelo de Paiva Abreu, Luiz Aranha Corrêa do Lago.

Cost of electricity in Brazil: Effects of 2004 regulatory reform

N 583, 01/10/2010

Monica Barros, Marina Figueira de Mello.

Organization and Information in the Fight against Crime: An Evaluation of the Integration of Police Forces in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil

N 582, 01/10/2010

Rodrigo Reis Soares.

Welfare Costs of Crime and Common Violence: A Critical Review

N 581, 01/10/2010

Rodrigo Reis Soares.

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