Textos para discussão

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Organizational structure and the hold-up problem

TD n. 521, 01/05/2006

Vinicius Nascimento Carrasco.

Capital inflows into Brazil, 1992-98: the nature and effects of controls and restrictions

TD n. 517, 01/04/2006

Gustavo Henrique de Barroso Franco.

Ineffective controls on capital inflows under sophisticated financial markets: Brazil in the nineties

TD n. 516, 01/03/2006

Bernardo Soares de Miranda Carvalho, Márcio Garcia.

Alongamento dos títulos de renda fixa no Brasil

TD n. 515, 01/03/2006

Márcio Garcia, Juliana Terreiro Salomão.

A market game approach to differential information economies

TD n. 512, 01/12/2005

Guadalupe Fugarolas, Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez, Carlos Herves Beloso, Emma Moreno Garcia.

Bubbles, collateral and monetary equilibrium

TD n. 513, 01/12/2005

Aloisio Araújo, Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez, Mario Pascoa.

Structure and asymptotic theory for STAR(1)-GARCH(1,1) models

TD n. 506, 01/11/2005

Marcelo Medeiros, Michael McAleer.

Market Power and Commodity Prices: Brazil, Chile and the United States, 1820s-1930

TD n. 511, 01/11/2005

Marcelo de Paiva Abreu, Felipe Tâmega Fernandes.

Cousin risks: the extent and the causes of positive correlation between country and currency risks

TD n. 507, 01/09/2005

Márcio Garcia, Alexandre Lowenkron.

Trade liberalization and the evolution of skill earnings differentials in Brazil

TD n. 503, 01/08/2005

Gustavo Gonzaga, Cristina Terra, Naércio Aquino Menezes Filho.

The Brazilian economy from Cardoso to Lula: An interim view

TD n. 504, 01/08/2005

Marcelo de Paiva Abreu, Rogério Werneck.

Tax reform on the brink of fiscal dominance: a political economy model

TD n. 505, 01/08/2005

Rogério Werneck.

Medium run effects of short run inflation surprises: monetary policy credibility and inflation risk premium

TD n. 508, 01/07/2005

Márcio Garcia, Alexandre Lowenkron.

Market Power and Commodity Prices: Brazil, Chile and the United States, 1820s-1930

TD n. 510, 01/05/2005

Felipe Tâmega Fernandes, Marcelo de Paiva Abreu.

Corporate board structure, managerial self-dealing and common agency

TD n. 523, 01/05/2005

Vinicius Nascimento Carrasco.

Non-price advertising and price competition: a theory, and evidence from the Brazilian beer market

TD n. 525, 01/05/2005

Renato Dias de Brito Gomes, João Manoel Pinho de Mello.

Testing competing explanations for the inverse productivity puzzle

TD n. 500, 01/02/2005

Juliano Assunção, Luiz Henrique Bertolino Braido.

Non-agricultural land use and land reform: theory and evidence from Brazil

TD n. 496, 01/02/2005

Juliano Assunção.

The FTAA and the political economy of protection in Brazil and the US

TD n. 494, 01/02/2005

Marcelo de Paiva Abreu.

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