Working Paper Series

Browse the categories to access the content of academic, scientific and opinion publications of the professors and students of the Department of Economics PUC-Rio.

Organizational structure and the hold-up problem

N 521, 01/05/2006

Vinicius Nascimento Carrasco.

Capital inflows into Brazil, 1992-98: the nature and effects of controls and restrictions

N 517, 01/04/2006

Gustavo Henrique de Barroso Franco.

Ineffective controls on capital inflows under sophisticated financial markets: Brazil in the nineties

N 516, 01/03/2006

   publicado como National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper no. 12283, 2006

Bernardo Soares de Miranda Carvalho, Márcio Garcia.

Alongamento dos títulos de renda fixa no Brasil

N 515, 01/03/2006

publicado como capítulo de livro "Edmar Lisboa Bacha; Luiz Chrysostomo de Oliveira Filho. Mercado de capitas e dívida pública: tributação, indexação, alongamento. Rio de Janeiro: Contra Capa, ANBID, IEPE/CDG, 2006"

Márcio Garcia, Juliana Terreiro Salomão.

Bubbles, collateral and monetary equilibrium

N 513, 01/12/2005

Aloisio Araújo, Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez, Mario Pascoa.

A market game approach to differential information economies

N 512, 01/12/2005

publicado em Economic Theory, v.38, p. 321-330, 2009

Guadalupe Fugarolas, Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez, Carlos Herves Beloso, Emma Moreno Garcia.

Market Power and Commodity Prices: Brazil, Chile and the United States, 1820s-1930

N 511, 01/11/2005

Marcelo de Paiva Abreu, Felipe Tâmega Fernandes.

Structure and asymptotic theory for STAR(1)-GARCH(1,1) models

N 506, 01/11/2005

Marcelo Medeiros, Michael McAleer.

Cousin risks: the extent and the causes of positive correlation between country and currency risks

N 507, 01/09/2005

Márcio Garcia, Alexandre Lowenkron.

Tax reform on the brink of fiscal dominance: a political economy model

N 505, 01/08/2005

Rogério Werneck.

The Brazilian economy from Cardoso to Lula: An interim view

N 504, 01/08/2005

publicado em em Leslie Bethell (ed) The Cambridge History of Latin America, vol. IX, Cambridge University Press

Marcelo de Paiva Abreu, Rogério Werneck.

Trade liberalization and the evolution of skill earnings differentials in Brazil

N 503, 01/08/2005

publicado em Journal of International Economics, 68(2): 345-367, 2006

Gustavo Gonzaga, Cristina Terra, Naércio Aquino Menezes Filho.

Medium run effects of short run inflation surprises: monetary policy credibility and inflation risk premium

N 508, 01/07/2005

Márcio Garcia, Alexandre Lowenkron.

Market Power and Commodity Prices: Brazil, Chile and the United States, 1820s-1930

N 510, 01/05/2005

Felipe Tâmega Fernandes, Marcelo de Paiva Abreu.

Non-price advertising and price competition: a theory, and evidence from the Brazilian beer market

N 525, 01/05/2005

Renato Dias de Brito Gomes, João Manoel Pinho de Mello.

Corporate board structure, managerial self-dealing and common agency

N 523, 01/05/2005

Vinicius Nascimento Carrasco.

Testing competing explanations for the inverse productivity puzzle

N 500, 01/02/2005

publicado em American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.89, n.4, novembro 2007

Juliano Assunção, Luiz Henrique Bertolino Braido.

Non-agricultural land use and land reform: theory and evidence from Brazil

N 496, 01/02/2005

Juliano Assunção.

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